Could we terraform Jupiter?

So just what would it take to terraform Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system?

Nanowires give 'solar fuel cell' efficiency a tenfold boost

A solar cell that produces fuel rather than electricity. Researchers at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) and FOM Foundation today present a very promising prototype of this in the journal Nature Communications. The ...

What are the different types of renewable energy?

Renewable energy is becoming an increasingly important issue in today's world. In addition to the rising cost of fossil fuels and the threat of Climate Change, there has also been positive developments in this field which ...

Microfluidics field aids quest for artificial photosynthesis

Researchers developed a versatile, fully integrated microfluidic test-bed to facilitate the evaluation of new catalysts and materials for electrochemical energy conversion systems without the need for expensive scale-up. ...

Artificial photosynthesis energy research powered by X-ray lasers

Powerful new X-ray free-electron lasers (XFELs) are helping scientists inch closer to understanding how leaves draw energy from some of nature's most abundant resources – water and sunlight. This in turn, say researchers, ...

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