Toward home-brewed electricity with 'personalized solar energy'

New scientific discoveries are moving society toward the era of "personalized solar energy," in which the focus of electricity production shifts from huge central generating stations to individuals in their own homes and ...

The Future in Two Words: Ionic Liquids

( -- Ionic liquids are molecular solutions that have a wide range of potential applications, including next-generation solar cells, hydrogen fuel cells and lithium batteries.

An improved, cost-effective catalyst for water-splitting devices

By replacing platinum with molybdenum in photoelectrochemical cells, scientists from two EPFL labs have developed a cheaper and scalable technique that can greatly improve hydrogen production through water splitting as a ...

Panasonic trims Ene-Farm fuel cell size and price

(—This month, Panasonic and Tokyo Gas announced the launch of their newest Ene-Farm home fuel cell, a product that residents can use to generate energy right from their homes. This is a smaller, cheaper, and efficient ...

Graphite coating makes perovskite solar cells waterproof

A cheaper, cleaner and more sustainable way of making hydrogen fuel from water using sunlight is step closer thanks to new research from the University of Bath's Centre for Sustainable Chemical Technologies.

Hydrogen power moves a step closer

Physicists at Lancaster University are developing methods of creating renewable fuel from water using quantum technology.

Nanoparticle opens the door to clean-energy alternatives

( —Cheaper clean-energy technologies could be made possible thanks to a new discovery. Research team members led by Raymond Schaak, a professor of chemistry at Penn State University, have found that an important ...

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