Solar-powered plane plans flight across US (Update 2)

A solar-powered plane that has wowed aviation fans in Europe is set to travel across the United States with stops in Phoenix, Dallas, Washington, D.C., and New York, the plane's Swiss creators said.

Catalysts that produce 'green' fuel

At the International School for Advanced Studies of Trieste, researchers are studying a way to economically produce a molecule that imitates (and improves) the photosynthesis of plants. It will be used to create solar cells ...

Scientists develop solar-to-fuel roadmap for crystalline silicon

Bringing the concept of an "artificial leaf" closer to reality, a team of researchers at MIT has published a detailed analysis of all the factors that could limit the efficiency of such a system. The new analysis lays out ...

Panasonic trims Ene-Farm fuel cell size and price

(—This month, Panasonic and Tokyo Gas announced the launch of their newest Ene-Farm home fuel cell, a product that residents can use to generate energy right from their homes. This is a smaller, cheaper, and efficient ...

ONR, marines eye solar energy

The Office of Naval Research (ONR) is looking to the sun for energy in an effort to help Marines do away with diesel-guzzling generators now used in combat outposts, officials announced Nov. 29.

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