Related topics: sun

Retired star found with planets and debris disc

( —ESA's Herschel space observatory has provided the first images of a dust belt – produced by colliding comets or asteroids – orbiting a subgiant star known to host a planetary system. The team of scientists ...

Parker makes its closest and fastest solar flyby

The Parker Solar Probe is the little engine that just keeps going and going by the sun. On September 27th, it made its 17th close approach and skimmed just 7.26 million kilometers (4.51 million miles) above the sun's "surface" ...

Study confirms 'gusty winds' in space turbulence

A research team led by the University of Iowa reports to have directly measured a kind of turbulence that occurs in space plasma for the first time in the laboratory.

ESA's solar eclipse maker, Proba-3

Hundreds of millions of people will witness next week's total solar eclipse across North America, and solar physicists from around the globe are flocking to join them. Eclipses offer a brief glimpse of the sun's ghostly surrounding ...

Small-scale magnetism leads to large-scale solar atmosphere

Thanks to close-up images of the sun obtained during Solar Orbiter's perihelion passage of October 2022, solar physicists have seen how fleeting magnetic fields at the solar surface build up into the solar atmosphere.

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