Climate change warning from collapsed ancient cities

Why did some ancient Khmer and Mesoamerican cities collapse between 900-1500CE while their rural surrounds continued to prosper? Intentional adaptation to climate changed conditions may be the answer, suggests a new study, ...

Food systems and the bioeconomy

The COVID-19 pandemic has sharpened our focus on food—whether it be due to concerns relating to supply chain integrity, the viability of rural communities, or a rediscovery of home-cooking during lock-down.

Researchers reveal nature of soil water and its phase transition

The state variation and phase transition of non-uniform water in soils play an important role in hydrothermal process simulation in cold regions, the formation and decomposition of hydrates, exploring water and ice in Moon, ...

Improving soil carbon measurements empowers African farmers

The amount of carbon in farm soils is important to farmers. Soils with high carbon contents tend to provide better yields. They also tend to have more resilience to weather-related crop failure. But measuring the amount of ...

Best method for drip irrigation on persimmon and lemon trees

Scientists from the Desertification Research Institute (CIDE, CSIC-UV-GVA) and the Segura Center for Soil Science and Applied Biology (CEBAS, CSIC) verify that using a single dropper-holder line would optimize the use of ...

Roadside ditches are effective at nitrogen removal

Roadside ditches are a catchall for water, from both sheets of rain that fall on roads and runoff from lawns or fields. Although ditches are ubiquitous in the landscape, they have the potential to be much more than a storm ...

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