Researchers study impacts of winter grazing

Winter grazing is part of what is called an integrated crop-livestock system. It is a process where livestock, such as cattle or goats, are allowed to graze a crop field during the winter. It is more common in climates with ...

New methodology helps predict soil recovery after wildfires

Soils influence water quality, and they are critical to plant growth. However, it has been difficult to predict how plant growth and water quality would change in the wake of wildfires. Now, a team of Colorado investigators ...

Mangrove forest found living in freshwater

An international team of researchers has found a mangrove forest living in a freshwater part of the Amazonian delta. In their paper published in the journal Current Biology, the group describes their study of the Amazonian ...

Soil temperature drives nitric oxide emission

Nitric oxide (NO) is a major contributor to atmospheric pollution, and forest soil is an important source of NO emission. However, there are great uncertainties in global forest soil NO emission due to lack of high-frequency ...

Carbon capture potential of agroforestry and trees on farms

Increased use of trees in agriculture can pave the way toward a transformation of the global food system, according to a new study released in May. Scientists have found that even small incremental increases in global tree ...

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