Alfalfa and potassium: It's complicated

Has anyone ever told you to eat a banana when you have a muscle cramp or eye twitch? That's because bananas have potassium. Potassium is an important nutrient for humans, and an even more important nutrient when it comes ...

Date palms picky about bacterial partners

Bacterial DNA sequencing analyses show date palms that are cultivated over a vast stretch of the Tunisian Sahara Desert consistently attract two types of growth-promoting bacteria to their roots, regardless of the location. ...

Overturning the truth on conservation tillage

Just as we blend, cut, and fold ingredients together to follow a recipe, farmers use equipment to stir together soil and crop residue (stalks and roots of previous crops) before planting. This mechanical action is called ...

Building on our knowledge of the Earth's soils

Claire Guenat, a researcher at EPFL, has just published a book—the first of its kind—about the soils of Switzerland and Europe with Jean-Michel Gobat, an honorary professor at the University of Neuchâtel. The book reminds ...

The science of finding buried bodies

Ian Brady, who tortured and killed five children in the UK in the 1960s with his accomplice Myra Hindley, died in prison on May 15. Jailed in 1966, Brady buried four of his victims in shallow graves on Saddleworth Moor outside ...

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