Following the path of chemicals through the soil

Where do pesticides and their degradation products go once they enter the soil? And how long does it take them to get to groundwater or drainage systems? That depends on a number of factors, but researchers at Aarhus University ...

Mix up plant species to keep soil healthy

When it comes to keeping our soil healthy, maintaining plant species diversity is key, according to new research published this week in the journal Ecology Letters.   

Manure offsets fertiliser's nano-scale changes

A UWA study has shown how long-term use of chemical fertilisers changes the soil on a nanoparticle scale and how these changes can be avoided by adding organic matter such as manure.

Earthworms can survive and recover after 3-week drought stress

Earthworms are a welcomed sight in many gardens and yards since they can improve soil structure and mixing. But they are hard to find in the drier soils of eastern Colorado where water and organic matter is limited. Adding ...

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