Related topics: soil

Digging into soil biology recovery after petroleum contamination

Spills and leaks of petroleum products wreak havoc on the environment. They can contaminate soils and pose significant threats to humans, animals, plants, and soil microbes. Cleaning up petroleum contamination can be energy ...

Will grassland soil weather a change?

There's more to an ecosystem than the visible plants and animals. The soil underneath is alive with vital microbes. They make sure nutrients from dead plant and animal material are broken down and made useable by other plants. ...

By air, rain and land: How microbes return after a wildfire

The disruption brought by wildfires reaches everything that lives in or near a burning field or forest—including microbes. A better understanding of how microbial communities change and grow after a fire could help researchers ...

Human activity affecting microbes in soil

New research from an Iowa State University ecologist shows that agricultural inputs such as nitrogen and phosphorous alter soil microbial communities, which may have unintended environmental consequences.

Soil microbes shift as shrubs invade remnant hill prairies

Perched high on the bluffs of the big river valleys in the Midwest are some of the last remnants of never-farmed prairie grasslands. These patches, edged by forest, are slowly being taken over by shrubs. A recent University ...

Restoring sand dunes, one microbe at a time

Sand dunes pull double duty—offering a visual treat both for their undulating curves and their ability to attract birds and other wildlife, while affording protection from storm surges and the threat of rising sea levels.

Research finds soil microbes behave similarly across globe

Even though ecosystems may be located half a world away from each other, sometimes they really aren't all that different. That's what an international group of grassland scientists, including one from the University of Kentucky ...

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