Related topics: soil

Carbon cycling in forest soils research presented

Just as individual humans have different microbial communities in their guts, the microbial communities living in soils vary from site to site as well. Recent research compared the decomposition rates of wood stakes over ...

Agricultural bacteria: Blowing in the wind

The 1930s Dust Bowl proved what a disastrous effect wind can have on dry, unprotected topsoil. Now a new study has uncovered a less obvious, but equally troubling impact of wind: Not only can it carry away soil particles, ...

Soil microbes alter DNA in response to warming

As scientists forecast the impacts of climate change, one missing piece of the puzzle is what will happen to the carbon in the soil and the microbes that control the fate of this carbon as the planet warms.

Studies pay off for potato producers

Given all the pathogens that can create havoc in a potato field, it's a wonder spud production can keep up with demand. Producers need to control these microbes with cost-efficient management strategies that also promote ...

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