Termites foretell climate change in Africa's savannas

Using sophisticated airborne imaging and structural analysis, scientists at the Carnegie Institution's Department of Global Ecology mapped more than 40,000 termite mounds over 192 square miles in the African savanna. They ...

High-def mapping of moisture in the soil

Soil moisture is easy to see when your favorite Little Leaguer slides into second base the day after a big summer storm. The mud splattered on that little hustler's uniform tells the story.

Organic apple orchard floor maintenance techniques

Successful organic apple farming literally starts from the ground up. Maintaining a healthy orchard floor is the key to preventing weeds and keeping soil healthy. Logically, finding effective methods to increase production ...

Soil increasingly at risk from household products

Changing Australian soil conditions are exposing crops to silver nanoparticles, which are widely used in household products, a study led by The University of Queensland has found.

Fingerprint for the formation of nitrous oxide emissions

Scientists led by Eliza Harris and Michael Bahn from the Institute of Ecology at the University of Innsbruck have succeeded in studying emissions of the greenhouse gas N2O under the influence of environmental impacts in an ...

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