The secrets of soil bacteria diversity

The soil is the biosphere's most biologically active zone and harbours the largest reservoir of genetic diversity. In various disciplines, scientists – among them Dani Or's group – employ models of dynamic, aquatic ...

Arctic soil study turns up surprising results

Across the globe, the diversity of plant and animal species generally increases from the North and South Poles towards the Equator but surprisingly that rule isn't true for soil bacteria, according to a new study by Queen's ...

Southern soils mitigate manure microbes

That swine manure sprayed on to fields adds valuable nutrients to the soil is well known. But what is not known is whether all that manure is bringing harmful bacteria with it.

Ancient brew masters tapped drug secrets

( -- A chemical analysis of the bones of ancient Nubians shows that they were regularly consuming tetracycline, most likely in their beer.

Can bacteria make you smarter?

Exposure to specific bacteria in the environment, already believed to have antidepressant qualities, could increase learning behavior according to research presented today at the 110th General Meeting of the American Society ...

Researchers find new ways to understand bacteria's 'thinking'

It's not thinking in the way humans, dogs or even birds think, but new findings from researchers at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, show that bacteria are more capable of complex decision-making than previously known.

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