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There's no business like Grid business (w/ Video)

( -- Scientists have embraced the Grid, but businesses have held back, concerned about complexity and security. Now a European research team has built a platform opening the Grid's vast resources to business users. ...

Palm's webOS hasn't gotten the attention it deserves

Lost in the recent deluge of smart-phone news -- Apple's iPhone store hitting 100,000 applications, and the launches of the new Droid phone and the BlackBerry Storm, among other things -- have been the efforts of longtime ...

PayPal courts outside developers

PayPal has opened its software platform to outside developers in a move designed to unleash a flood of creative uses for the online financial transaction service.

PayPal opening doors to outside developers

PayPal plans to throw open the doors of its software platform to enable outside developers to build innovative tools using the online financial transaction service.

Sexy platform delivers on promises

( -- The SeCSE project promised to deliver an industrial-strength development environment for service-centric software engineering. Its applications deliver on those promises.

Software that gets reduced, reused, recycled

( -- Service-centric software engineering is the latest paradigm in computing, and European researchers have developed a platform they believe will launch the concept into the business world.

Developer of system to prevent ID theft forms joint venture

Ray de Beasley's dream of seeing his identity theft prevention system come to life is one step closer to reality. He just formed a joint venture with Ayoka LLC, an Arlington, Texas, software development firm, to create a ...

Twitter to show whereabouts of tweeters

Twitter is adding location to its globally popular microblogging service in a move that will let people see where "tweets" are coming from.

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