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RIM out to rev up BlackBerry with sexy new apps

Research In Motion (RIM) on Tuesday set out to rev up its BlackBerry and PlayBook lines with a tactic from Apple's winning playbook -- sexy, entertaining software applications.

PayPal announces online shopping login service

PayPal, eBay's online payment service, announced a new service Wednesday that aims to make it easier to shop online by cutting down on the number of accounts consumers have to create with various Web retailers.

PayPal to announce online shopping login service

(AP) -- PayPal, eBay's online payment service, plans to announce a new service Wednesday that aims to make it easier to shop online by cutting down on the number of accounts consumers have to create with various Web retailers.

Intel-McAfee preview new rootkit weapon

( -- Letting everyone know that today's computing is no longer about running good anti-virus software, McAfee this week presented a new technology approach in computer protection called DeepSAFE, designed to combat ...

Sony videogame line-up flexes motion control

Sony on Thursday unveiled a holiday season line-up of PlayStation 3 videogames tailored for motion control using the Japanese entertainment titan's Move gear.

Google-Motorola deal highlights patent arms race

(AP) -- When an Internet company plunks down $12.5 billion to buy a struggling cellphone company for its collection of patents, it's another sign that, for the high-tech industry, patents have become a mallet wielded by corporations ...

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