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Cyber experts engage on DARPA's Plan X

When the team behind DARPA's Plan X mapped out where it wanted to go with research in the development of cyber capabilities and platforms, it knew the DARPA approach to problem solving included soliciting input from the leading ...

Google trumpets Dart release as first stable version

(—Google on Tuesday released its first stable version of Dart SDK. Dart is a programming language for Web applications that Google thinks will offer an improved, easy to learn, high performance environment for ...

App cuts up news into digestible bytes

Offering a new way to read the news on a mobile device, an app launched Monday delivers content in "flash card" segments in an effort to optimize new formats.

Linux camp has key to Windows 8 boot lockout

(—Microsoft's rocky reputation with the open source community was not exactly obliterated with hardware news surrounding the upcoming launch of the operating system, Windows 8. Systems will come with Secure Boot ...

Twitter channels TV viewers: chief

Twitter chief Dick Costolo said Friday that the Internet Age one-to-many text messaging service is turning out to be a boon for good old television.

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