Poor work-life balance may be damaging your health

Working adults across Europe with poor work-life balance are more likely to report poor general health, according to a study published in the open access journal BMC Public Health.

Secretive targets for CEO bonus pay signal poor performance

Investors need to pay closer attention to the non-financial measures linked to CEO cash bonuses, because targets that are not disclosed, or undefined, in annual reports are associated with worse company performance down the ...

Beyond the bottom line: Investors favour companies that give back

Savvy business leaders understand that when companies give back, they can attract better employees and win customers. But a new study shows they're not only doing it to impress workers and consumers: they're also doing it ...

Witnessing uncivil behavior

Suppose you're at a nice restaurant celebrating your anniversary. When a customer at a nearby table complains that it's taking too long to get his meal, you and your spouse overhear the server's brusque response. Would the ...

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