Large study shows females are equal to males in math skills

( -- The mathematical skills of boys and girls, as well as men and women, are substantially equal, according to a new examination of existing studies in the current online edition of journal Psychological Bulletin.

The psychology of fake news

The brain can be untrustworthy when it comes to deciphering fake news, and especially when headlines are repeated, presented with photos, or generally easy to imagine, experts from The Australia National University (ANU) ...

Extracting useful scientific information from social media

In the second it takes to 'like' this article, 6,000 tweets, 5,000 profile updates, 4,000 photos and 500 blogs will have been posted on multiple social media platforms. As that second extends to a minute, a day and even a ...

Human prejudice has ancient evolutionary roots

The tendency to perceive others as "us versus them" isn't exclusively human but appears to be shared by our primate cousins, a new study led by Yale researchers has found.

Are charismatic leaders born or made?

( -- Are leaders successful because of their charisma? Or do they develop charisma by being good leaders?

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