New research offers insight on modeling belief dynamics

Researchers who study belief dynamics often use analogies to understand and model the complex cognitive–social systems that underlie why we believe the things we do and how those beliefs can change over time. Ideas can ...

Social science for algorithmic societies

Machine learning algorithms pervade modern life. They shape decisions about who gets a mortgage, who gets a job, and who gets bail, and have become so enmeshed in our political and economic processes that some scientists ...

Of ants and men: Ant behavior might mirror political polarization

Could the division of labor in an anthill be driven by the same social dynamics governing the gap between liberals and conservatives? That was the surprising question tackled by Princeton biologists Chris Tokita and Corina ...

The murky history of the nature and nurture debate

Self-righteousness, gratitude, sympathy, sincerity, and guilt – what if these social behaviours are biologically influenced, encoded within our genes and shaped by the forces of evolution to promote the survival of the ...

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