Key friendships vital for effective human social networks

Close friendships facilitate the exchange of information and culture, making social networks more effective for cultural transmission, according to new UCL research that used wireless tracking technology to map social interactions ...

Dung heaps are rhinos' Facebook: study

Rhinos signal gender, age, and sexual availability in their poo, said a study Wednesday which suggested mammals may use communal dung heaps as social networking sites.

A friend of a friend is... a dense network

It's a familiar request in the digital age: one of your friends on social media has a friend who wants to be your friend. Frequent linking among friends of friends can cause a rapid increase in social network connectivity.

Facebook lets Messenger 'bots' tap analytic smarts

Facebook on Monday began letting interactive "bots" inside its Messenger service tap into analytic capabilities once reserved for the social network, ramping up the potential to earn money from e-commerce.

Trust fosters networking and knowledge sharing

A group of researchers from the Niels Bohr Institute have examined how a communication network can arise within a new experiment called 'Expert Game'. They discovered that the driving mechanism for the emergence of communication ...

Females react differently than males to social isolation

While male and female mice have similar responses to physical stress, research from the Hotchkiss Brain Institute at the University of Calgary, Canada, suggests females, not males, feel stressed when alone.

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