Lonely mice more vocal, more social after isolation

Female mice exhibit a strong drive to socialize with other females following periods of acute isolation, significantly increasing their production of social calls that are akin to human emotional vocalizations, new Cornell ...

Study: Social media sways exercise motivation

It's January – a time when students are looking for that extra bit of oomph. For some, time spent on social media might provide the necessary inspiration to get up and exercising – but that time can come with consequences, ...

Social cues are key to vocal learning in birds and babies

When a baby bird learns a song, is it simply mimicking and practicing its father's tune? Or do chicks learn by first putting out nonsensical sounds – akin to a human infant's babble – which they then build upon based ...

Those less motivated to achieve will excel on tasks seen as fun

Those who value excellence and hard work generally do better than others on specific tasks when they are reminded of those values. But when a task is presented as fun, researchers report in a new study, the same individuals ...

More competitors, less competition

(PhysOrg.com) -- Americans love competition, but the more challengers involved, the less likely we are to compete, says a University of Michigan professor.

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