It's not just about the money, say STEM students of color

High-achieving undergraduates of color pursuing lucrative careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) have their sights set on social justice, not just a big paycheck, according to a new Vanderbilt ...

Study reveals the true value of elephants

New research examining the services and benefits of elephants has revealed many values are often overlooked when deciding how they should be protected.

When good intentions aren't supported by social science evidence

You'd be forgiven for assuming a quick and sure way to multiply profits and amplify organizational success is to increase the gender and racial diversity of any group. According to claims in the mainstream media, the effects ...

The role of wrath in modern social movements

Wrath is commonly considered to be an inhuman, violent, and irrational vice which can frequently overcome self-control. As one of the seven deadly sins, the advantages to wrath are hard to come by.

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