When Mom Dates, Dad Stops Visiting His Kids

New research from the Journal of Marriage and Family shows that children born outside of marriage are less likely to be visited by their father when the mother is involved in a new romantic relationship. Many children born ...

Framework provides guidance for ethical wildlife management

Wildlife management decisions and practices face increasing ethical scrutiny. In research published in the Journal of Wildlife Management, investigators have developed a framework for incorporating ethical considerations ...

A car called Keith: Why we give objects human characteristics

Why do we yell at our computer when it struggles to work? Why do some cars look like they're smiling? Why does your guitar seem free-spirited? This is because of our innate human tendency for anthropomorphism: the ascription ...

Conformity trumps riskiness in social fish

Researchers at the University of Bristol have discovered that more sociable fish suppress their own personality when they are with a partner.

Study shows giraffes can use statistical reasoning

Humans make decisions using statistical information every day. Imagine you're selecting a packet of jellybeans. If you prefer red jellybeans, you will probably try to find a packet that shows the most red (and less of the ...

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