Academic performance shapes student social networks

Based on data from the VKontakte social network, researchers at Higher School of Economics and the Vienna Medical University have found a relationship between students' academic performance and their closest social environment. ...

Business network giants face China 'guanxi' battle

Professional social networking websites such as LinkedIn trying to tap into China's vast business world are finding a formidable domestic foe—the ingrained system of personal connections known as "guanxi".

To bond with nature, kids need solitary activities outdoors

A new study found solitary activities like fishing, hunting or exploring outside are key to building strong bonds between children and nature. Activities like these encourage children to both enjoy being outside and to feel ...

Swine Flu vaccination: voluntary system works

( -- Social interaction between neighbours, work colleagues and other communities and social groups makes voluntary vaccination programs for epidemics such as Swine Flu, SARS or Bird Flu a surprisingly effective ...

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