Automated 'coach' could help with social interactions (w/ Video)

Social phobias affect about 15 million adults in the United States, according to the National Institute of Mental Health, and surveys show that public speaking is high on the list of such phobias. For some people, these fears ...

Wolf hunting strategy follows simple rules

( -- A new study of wolves (Canis lupus) has found that communication between pack members and a social hierarchy are not essential features of a successful hunt, and all the wolves have to do is follow two simple ...

Hackers protest BART decision to block cellphones

(AP) -- Hackers broke into a website for San Francisco's mass transit system Sunday and posted contact information for more than 2,000 customers, the latest showdown between anarchists angry at perceived attempts to limit ...

Facebook users get graphic images in spam attack

Facebook said Tuesday that a "coordinated spam attack" was responsible for graphic images appearing in the news feeds of some members of the world's largest social network.

Room-temperature superconductor study retracted by Nature

A study published in March claiming the discovery of a superconductor that works at room temperature—a scientific holy grail—has been retracted by the high-profile journal Nature at the request of most of its authors.

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