Violent video games not so bad when players cooperate

(—New research suggests that violent video games may not make players more aggressive – if they play cooperatively with other people. In two studies, researchers found that college students who teamed up to play ...

Facebook focus guides Google CEO's 1st year on job

Google co-founder Larry Page has a Facebook fixation. When he replaced his mentor Eric Schmidt as Google's CEO last April, Page insisted that the company had to be more aggressive about countering the threat posed by Facebook's ...

Robots to the rescue (w/ Video)

Researchers are exploring ways to make rescue robots less "creepy" and more user-friendly, incorporating lessons learned from studies of how humans interact with technology

Why do dyeing poison frogs tap dance?

The toe tapping behavior of various amphibians has long attracted attention from researchers and pet owners. Despite being widely documented, the underlying functional role is poorly understood. In a new paper, researchers ...

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