The impact of the pandemic on the Brazilian labor market

The pandemic has disrupted economic activity and worsened social problems in many countries. In Brazil, its impact has been especially severe. "The level of employment, defined as the number of people in work divided by the ...

The missing trillions: The hidden cost of energy externalities

The hidden social, environmental and health costs of the world's energy and transport sectors is equal to more than a quarter of the globe's entire economic output, new research from the University of Sussex Business School ...

Active matter theory explains fire-ant group behavior

Ants are social insects and the Solenopsis invicta species—known as the fire ant—is no exception. The social interactions of this invasive insect, which comes from South America, are framed within the context of the theory ...

Bats' brains sync when they socialize

The phrase "we're on the same wavelength" may be more than just a friendly saying: A new study by University of California, Berkeley, researchers shows that bats' brain activity is literally in sync when bats engage in social ...

Iran rounds up 450 social network users

Iran has "arrested or summoned" around 450 social media users over their online activities, a website linked to the powerful Revolutionary Guards said on Tuesday.

Housework or sleep? Study says it depends when you were born

When Gen Xer Amy Rottier went shopping for her young children two decades ago, she drove to a mall and browsed for what she needed. Her millennial daughter, Helen, who is studying for a doctorate and doesn't have children, ...

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