Fatherhood factors influence how dads spend time with children

A father's resources, relationships, and parenting beliefs affect how he spends time with his children and financially provides for his family, finds a study led by NYU's Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human ...

Facebook bans UK far-right groups

Social media giant Facebook on Thursday banned various far-right British groups including the English Defence League from its network for promoting hate and violence.

Getting to know local cops could reduce crime rates

Providing residents with information about their neighborhood police officers may reduce crime rates, suggests a Nature paper. The combined results from laboratory and field studies suggest that our sense of anonymity depends ...

You're not alone in feeling alone

Feel like everyone else has more friends than you do? You're not alone— but merely believing this is true could affect your happiness. A new study from the University of British Columbia, Harvard Business School and Harvard ...

Making mural art helps teens cope

In Quebec's 2016–17 health survey of high-school students, 33% in grades 9, 10 and 11 reported experiencing high levels of psychological distress. And in 2021, a significant 6.1% said they had been diagnosed with an anxiety-depressive ...

The 'gilets jaunes' movement is not a Facebook revolution

In less than a month, France's gilets jaunes (yellow vests) have gone from being a celebrated example of Facebook's ability to power a spontaneous revolution to a cautionary tale of how social networks can be manipulated ...

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