Counting kinks in a collapsing ring to predict stability

A team of researchers from the University of Oxford, MIT and the University of Limerick has found that it is possible to predict the stability of a collapsing ring by counting its kinks. In their paper published in the journal ...

Physics of giant bubbles bursts secret of fluid mechanics

A study inspired by street performers making gigantic soap bubbles led to a discovery in fluid mechanics: Mixing different molecular sizes of polymers within a solution increases the ability of a thin film to stretch without ...

Researchers uncover the science behind blowing bubbles

What exactly happens when you blow on a soap film to make a bubble? Behind this simple question about a favorite childhood activity is some real science, researchers at New York University have found.

Pigments in oil paintings linked to artwork degradation

Experts have long known that as oil paintings age, soaps can form within the paint, degrading the appearance of the artworks. The process significantly complicates the preservation of oil paintings—and cultural manifestations, ...

Engineers stop soap bubbles from swirling

The spinning rainbow surface of a soap bubble is more than mesmerizing – it's a lesson in fluid mechanics. Better understanding of these hypnotic flows could bring improvements in many areas, from longer lasting beer foam ...

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