Related topics: temperature

Three storms have dumped snow on Mauna Loa and Mauna Kea

The words "snow" and "Hawai'i" are not often mentioned in the same paragraph—or even on the same vacation. But snow does fall in Hawai'i almost every year, and 2021 has seen a deep cold front drop snow on the summits of ...

How much difference can one degree of warming make?

A vicious cycle of warming temperatures and reduced snowpack in northern forests is more severe than climate models have shown and could lead to increased fire risk and permanent damage to ecosystems.

NASA airborne campaign catches the drift of snow water

It's the most wonderful time of the year—the time NASA's SnowEx campaign hits the skies and ground of the world's snowy places, measuring snow properties to understand how much water is contained by each winter's snowfall.

Engineers model the threat of avalanches

( -- Snow avalanches, a real threat in countries from Switzerland to Afghanistan, are fundamentally a physics problem: What are the physical laws that govern how they start, grow and move, and can theoretical modeling ...

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