With climate change, avalanches are migrating upslope

We now know that the effects of climate change are particularly strong in mountain areas. The substantial impacts on the cryosphere (snow, ice and permafrost) have been well described where changes in glaciers and snow cover ...

The subtle mechanics of an avalanche as seen in 3-D

Drawing on the fact that the snow in an avalanche can behave like both a solid and a fluid, a young researcher at EPFL and SLF has managed to simulate a snow slab avalanche with unrivaled precision.

New simulations can improve avalanche forecasting

Computer simulations of snow cover can accurately forecast avalanche hazard, according to a new international study involving researchers from Simon Fraser University.

New sensor—what goes on inside snow avalanches

A new radar sensor grants insights into the processes inside snow avalanches. It was developed by a team of engineers at Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB) headed by Dr Christoph Baer and Timo Jaeschke, in collaboration with ...

Perspectives on the Nepal earthquake

As the death toll continues to rise in Nepal, Senior Lecturer Dr Ian Willis, and PhD student Evan Miles, from the Scott Polar Research Institute contemplate the fate of people in a remote part of the country, where they have ...

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