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Fires increase in Brazilian Amazon in July

The number of forest fires in the Brazilian Amazon increased by eight percent last month compared with July 2021, according to official figures released Monday, the latest alarm bell for the world's biggest rainforest.

Cats injured in wildfires at risk of deadly blood clots

Cats who suffered burns and smoke inhalation in urban California wildfires are at risk of forming deadly blood clots, according to a new study from researchers at the University of California, Davis, Veterinary Medical Teaching ...

Study shows chemical's extent in the Fairbanks winter air

A chemical compound discovered in 2019 in the wintertime air of Fairbanks, Alaska accounts for a significant portion of the community's fine particulate pollution, according to new research that seeks to better understand ...

Examining heated tobacco product emissions

A new paper examining whether heated tobacco products emit smoke has been published in the academic journal American Chemical Society Omega.

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