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Researchers link smoke from fires to tornado intensity

Can smoke from fires intensify tornadoes? "Yes," say University of Iowa researchers, who examined the effects of smoke—resulting from spring agricultural land-clearing fires in Central America—transported across the Gulf ...

Image: Agricultural fires in Indochina

The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA's Aqua satellite collected this natural-color image which detected dozens of fires burning in Indochina on February 02, 2015.

Smoke bush species show fire awareness

Signs of serotiny, an ecological adaptation in which seed release occurs in response to an environmental trigger rather than spontaneously at seed maturation, has been discovered in in two species of Conospermum.

Gadget Show Review: Lots of noise, a few gems in smart home

Technology forecasters are calling 2015 the year of the Internet of Things—that idea that everyday objects will use sensors and Internet connectivity to start thinking and acting for themselves. At the International CES ...

Indoor wood-burning can affect air quality

(HealthDay)—Although many people enjoy gathering around a fire during cold winter months, fires that aren't built properly can affect air quality and people's health, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ...

NASA image: Fires in the Egypt River Delta

This NASA satellite image is of the Egyptian River Delta. Actively burning areas, detected by MODIS's thermal bands, are outlined in red. Each hot spot, which appears as a red mark, is an area where the thermal detectors ...

Winemaking taint smoked out

Winemaking methods influence the degree of smoke taint in wines made from smoke-exposed grapes, new research suggests.

Agricultural fires blaze in Borneo

The skies over Indonesian Borneo were filled with the smoke from hundreds of fires set deliberately to clear farmland. A shroud of thick, gray smoke hung over the area when the Aqua satellite captured this image on September ...

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