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Gasp! Wildfires cause hacking and wheezing across the South

Asthma sufferers and others with breathing problems are turning up at hospitals and doctors' waiting rooms, wheezing and hacking. Schoolchildren are being kept inside at recess. And people whose lungs are easily irritated ...

Report of different Samsung phone model exploding

A Samsung phone user in France says her Galaxy J5 smartphone caught fire and exploded on Sunday. The model is different from the Galaxy Note 7 that has been recalled worldwide.

Image: Gap Fire in California slows growth

The Gap Fire continues to burn on the Klamath National Forest in northern California. As of early the morning of September 09, the fire is 31,664 acres and 85% contained. Containment lines set up by firefighters continue ...

Image: Several wildfires burning in Southern California

Southern California has been hard hit by wildfires this summer and the spate of fires continues in the rain comprised state. NASA and NOAA's Suomi NPP satellite captured an image of the smoke rising from four different areas. ...

Largest Indonesian fires linked to El Nino events

(—A team of researchers with NASA, several other U.S. institutions and one from Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam has found that large increases in Indonesian fire activity and the resulting smoke pollution that occur ...

Beijing's smoke busters point the way for national ban

Wielding an "inspector" badge, volunteer Liu Li follows his nose as he sniffs out violators of China's toughest-ever tobacco control law, enacted a year ago on Wednesday, as Beijing fights to keep its air smoke free.

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