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Suomi NPP satellite views New South Wales fires raging on

NOAA-NASA's Suomi NPP satellite flew over the New South Wales fires in Australia on December 16, 2019 and found devastation from the ongoing fires. The New South Wales Rural Fire Service is reporting 96 fires are burning ...

Toxic bushfire haze blankets eastern Australia

Toxic haze blanketed Sydney Tuesday triggering a chorus of smoke alarms to ring across the city and forcing school children inside, as "severe" weather conditions fuelled deadly bush blazes along Australia's east coast.

Sydney smoke crisis 'longest on record'

Australian bushfires have caused unprecedented pollution in Sydney and along the country's east coast, officials said Thursday, with smoke and dust burning residents' eyes and prompting a spike in respiratory complaints.

Air quality during and after wildfires

The wildfires raging throughout California—the Getty fire in Los Angeles and the Kincade fire in Northern California among the most recent ones—have caused great concern about air quality and the safety of being outdoors.

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