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Creating an avatar from a 3-D selfie

Generating a 3D duplicate of someone without the aid of a Hollywood studio: this is the challenge taken up by EPFL researchers, who have successfully condensed an expensive and complex process to use only a smartphone camera.

Microsoft to launch Windows 10 on July 29

Microsoft on Monday announced that the latest version of its Windows operating system will be available July 29 for computer and tablet users.

Japan's smartphone 'zombies' wreak havoc on the streets

When the lights change at the Shibuya crossing in Japan's capital, one of the world's busiest pedestrian thoroughfares, hundreds of people with their eyes glued to smartphones pick their way over the road.

Gigapixel 3D microscope captures life in unprecedented detail

When a couple of plucky graduate students took the first picture with their pieced-together microscope, it turned out better than they'd hoped. Sure, there was a hole in one section and another was upside down—but they ...

App data vulnerability threatens millions of users

Researchers of the Technische Universität Darmstadt and Fraunhofer SIT have investigated Cloud databases and established: developers wrongly use authentications for cloud services thereby threatening millions of user accounts ...

Quadcopter piloted by a smartphone

The quadcopter, which was developed at TU Vienna, can negotiate its way through a room completely on its own. It does not need any human interference, and in contrast to other models, it is not assisted by any external computer. ...

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