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Chinese star Xiaomi aims beyond smartphones

Leading Chinese smartphone maker Xiaomi is aiming for a future as an Internet company with the potential to cross swords with titans such as Alibaba.

China's Huawei rides Google coattails into new markets

With a partnership to make one of Google's flagship Nexus smartphones, Chinese tech giant Huawei is gaining new prominence which could help its efforts to win broader global consumer appeal.

LG unveils smartphone with dual display, improved camera

South Korean smartphone maker LG Electronics Inc. unveiled a new smartphone Thursday with an additional screen and a camera that can capture a wider scene when taking a selfie, hoping to arrest a slide in its market share.

You are what you click

It's no secret that the things we click on, scroll across, swipe, tap or drag when we're browsing online or using a smartphone application can yield valuable information about us. Such data is a veritable goldmine to web ...

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