Mobile apps downloads forecast to double in 2011

More than 17 billion mobile applications will be downloaded from online stores this year, more than double the number of the mini-programs downloaded last year, research firm Gartner said Wednesday.

Microsoft fights Apple claim to 'App Store' name

Microsoft is fighting rival Apple's claim that it has dibs on the name "App Store," arguing the term is generic and can be used by any shop selling programs for gadgets such as smartphones.

GetJar out to make mobile phone applications free

The world's second largest online shop for mobile phone applications is out to change the economics of the booming industry by making the popular mini-programs available for free.

S.Korea raises privacy concerns on smartphone apps

Seoul prosecutors said Tuesday they have charged a South Korean company with illegally collecting customers' personal information via a smartphone application in a rare legal case.

How Secure are iPhone and Android Apps

( -- Today's smartphones are pocket size computers that can be customized by downloading applications. This is what makes a smartphone vulnerable to cybercriminals. In this article we will examine how an iPhone ...

Smartphone app illuminates power consumption

( -- A new application for the Android smartphone shows users and software developers how much power their applications are consuming. PowerTutor was developed by doctoral students and professors at the University ...

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