Can you trust that app?

You're on your smartphone, browsing through Facebook. In a fit of productivity, you search for, say, a project management app to help you use your non-Instagram and cat video time more effectively. You download and install ...

Smartphones as a health tool for older adults

A team of researchers from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech (UPC) and the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) is creating a smartphone app that will help older adults to understand their state ...

New Microsoft-Nokia smartphone is... Android (Update)

Microsoft on Tuesday opted for the Android operating system from arch rival Google for its new Nokia smartphone, in a move aimed at regaining momentum in the competitive mobile sector.

From the smartphone to the Cloud and back again

Mike Panciera had already helped a blind man navigate the perilous fantasy worlds of video games. It made sense that the next step would be to design a mobile app to help the blind find their way through the interiors of ...

Plant pathologist creates new plant disease assessment app

Fresh from his success with two widely utilized smartphone apps, CTAHR (College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources) plant pathologist Scot Nelson has created a new and more technical app, the Leaf Doctor, for a more ...

App to save motorists from parking fines

A smartphone app developed with support from The University of Queensland's ilab start-up accelerator is set to save motorists hundreds of dollars in parking fines.

How a 'sensor society' quietly takes over

As our cars, phones and computers get "smarter" they – and the companies that provide them – know a lot more about us than they used to.

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