WalkSafe app shields smartphone pedestrians (w/ video)

(PhysOrg.com) -- Smartphone users who as pedestrians are not very smart about crossing and looking both ways now have a protective shield in the form of an Android app which they can download for free. A research team from ...

TVs getting 'smarter' but maybe not better

If last week's Consumer Electronics Show is any indication, the next major computing device to enter consumers' homes will be a "smart" television - whether viewers like it or not.

Supercomputing on a cell phone

Many engineering disciplines rely on supercomputers to simulate complicated physical phenomena — how cracks form in building materials, for instance, or fluids flow through irregular channels. Now, researchers in MIT’s ...

Can Clever Hackers Target Smart Phones?

(PhysOrg.com) -- Smart phones are becoming a common part of everyday life. Millions of Americans are using these powerful devices whose impressive capabilities and features rival that of desktop computers from just a few ...

3D graphics, reality fuse on the fly

(PhysOrg.com) -- Software developed at Oxford University is making it possible to fuse real and 3D computer-generated visuals on the fly.

Automobile plants make more with less

Competition is fierce in the automobile industry. Worldwide overcapacity has created price pressures that are particularly challenging for manufacturers that are already having a tough time managing their overall productivity ...

Argumentative agents for online deal-making

(PhysOrg.com) -- Software agents that play devil's advocate and quarrel with each other may not sound like something you would want in your computer. But, say a team of European researchers, argumentative agents promise faster, ...

South Korea pulls plug on child monitoring app

The most widely used child surveillance app in South Korea is being quietly pulled from the market after security specialists raised serious concerns about the program's safety.

I-maginary Phone: iPhone as a hand phone? (w/ video)

(PhysOrg.com) -- Once you have had your smart phone for a while using your touch screen becomes a bit of second nature. You begin to know where you icons are and how to do things without looking down at the screen. What if ...

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