Tadpoles create their own air bubbles to breathe

A pair of researchers at the University of Connecticut, has found that hatchling tadpoles create their own air bubbles in order to breathe. In their paper published in Proceedings of the Royal Society B, Kurt Schwenk and ...

How the Australian ant-slayer spider captures ants

A team of researchers at Macquarie University, in Australia, working with two colleagues from Universität Hamburg, in Germany, has uncovered the means by which the Australian ant-slayer spider is able to capture and eat ...

Slow earthquakes in Cascadia are predictable

If there is one word you are not supposed to use when discussing serious earthquake science, it is "predict." Seismologists cannot predict earthquakes; instead they calculate how likely major earthquakes are to occur along ...

How to retard time for cells

Scientists at Leipzig University, in collaboration with colleagues from Germany and England, have succeeded in reversibly slowing down cellular processes. A team of biophysicists led by Professor Josef Alfons Käs and Dr ...

Measuring the sound of a soap bubble popping

A team of researchers from Sorbonne Université and the University of Lille has measured the sounds that occur when a soap bubble pops. In their paper published in the journal Physical Review Letters, the group describes ...

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