Not all altruism is alike, says new study

( -- Not all acts of altruism are alike, says a new study. From bees and wasps that die defending their nests, to elephants that cooperate to care for young, a new mathematical model pinpoints the environmental conditions ...

Loose skin and 'slack volume' protect Hagfish from shark bites

Chapman University and University of Guelph have published new research showing how hagfishes survive an initial attack from predators before they release large volumes of slime to defend themselves. Because the slime is ...

'Swarmalators' better envision synchronized microbots

Imagine a world with precision medicine, where a swarm of microrobots delivers a payload of medicine directly to ailing cells. Or one where aerial or marine drones can collectively survey an area while exchanging minimal ...

How to develop affordable sensors using slime mold

Physarum polycephalum, which literally means "many-headed slime," is a slime mold that inhabits damp and dark habitats, such as decaying wood. Thanks to its ability to respond to stimuli such as light, chemicals and vibrations, ...

US carp hunters spike flying fish with bows and arrows

Shooting a fish flying through the air with a bow and arrow isn't as hard as you would think. At least, not when it's a 20-pound Asian carp -- and there are so many the one you got wasn't necessarily the one you targeted.

Study solves part of hagfish slime mystery

University of Guelph researchers have unravelled some of the inner workings of slime produced by one of nature's most bizarre creatures – hagfish.

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