'Bat-sense' tech generates images from sound

By cleverly analyzing the results, the algorithm can deduce the shape, size and layout of a room, as well as pick out in the presence of objects or people. The results are displayed as a video feed which turns the echo data ...

Hubble captures spiral galaxy IC 5332 face-on

This glittering image from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope shows the spiral galaxy IC 5332. The galaxy lies about 30 million light-years away in the constellation Sculptor and has an almost face-on orientation to Earth. ...

Festive treat for stargazers as Geminid meteors peak

Stargazers across the northern hemisphere could see as many as 70 meteors an hour this coming Sunday, as the Geminids meteor shower reaches its peak. Prospects for what should be this year's best display of meteors are particularly ...

An engaging leadership style may boost employee engagement

A new analysis suggests that a particular leadership style dubbed "engaging leadership" can boost employees' engagement and enhance team effectiveness within the workplace. Greta Mazzetti of the University of Bologna, Italy, ...

Understanding rogue waves of the Eastern Mediterranean Sea

The eastern Mediterranean Sea, a large basin surrounded by ancient cultural sites, is also a climatology hot spot. However, the region has received comparatively little attention when it comes to understanding the extreme ...

Augmenting microgrid technology: A new way for reliable power

A group of American and Chinese researchers has designed and tested a microgrid system that is both robust and reliable—and therefore capable of delivering energy safely and without interruptions. This is particularly important ...

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