Researchers use quantum circuit to identify single nucleotides

DNA sequencing technology, i.e., determining the order of nucleotide bases in a DNA molecule, is central to personalized medicine and disease diagnostics, yet even the fastest technologies require hours, or days, to read ...

Team proposes a new view on euchromatin in the cell

Scientists studying cells have long held the view that euchromatin, the part of chromatin that is made up of genes and is genetically active, is open and can be transcribed. A research team, looking at new evidence from genomics ...

How the ancient messengers cAMP and cGMP deliver their messages

Two highly similar molecules with essential but often contrasting signaling roles in most life forms exert their distinct effects through subtle differences in their bindings to their signaling partners, according to a new ...

New type of friction discovered in ligand-protein systems

An interdisciplinary research team of the Institutes of Physical Chemistry and Physics of the University of Freiburg and the Max Planck Institute of Biophysics in Frankfurt-am-Main has discovered a new, direction-dependent ...

Topological charges of periodically kicked molecules

The peculiar topological properties of some forms of matter have been researched for decades. Now, researchers at the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA) have discovered topological properties of simple diatomic ...

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