New method improves accuracy of imaging systems

New research provides scientists looking at single molecules or into deep space a more accurate way to analyze imaging data captured by microscopes, telescopes and other devices.

Researchers put single molecules in super-fridge

An international team of researchers led by the University of Leicester has for the first time observed how a single two-atom-large molecule rotates in the coldest liquid known in nature.

Optical spring detects single molecules

A team of engineering researchers from the University of Victoria (UVic) and the University of Rochester (UR) has developed a way to detect single molecules using a light-based technology inspired by the "whispering gallery" ...

Tiny DNA 'legs' walk with record fuel efficiency

(—For the first time, researchers have demonstrated a DNA nanomotor that can "walk" along a track with sustainable motion. The nanomotor also has the highest fuel efficiency for any type of walking nanomotor, or ...

Nanosubs gain better fluorescent properties for tracking

The next generation of nanosubmarines being developed at Rice University has been upgraded with tags that fluoresce longer, which enables the submersibles to be tracked for greater periods while being driven through a solution.

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