Airline group advocates more training for Boeing 737 Max

A trade group representing hundreds of airlines is renewing its push for additional pilot training and coordination among global aviation regulators to ensure that the Boeing 737 Max is safe before it is allowed to fly again ...

Researcher investigating navigation system of bogong moth

An international team of researchers that includes Barrie Frost is hoping to unravel the mystery of how bogong moths navigate during their annual migration to and from caves in the Snowy Mountains of southeastern Australia. ...

Staying on task in the automated cockpit

Automation in the cockpit is traditionally believed to free pilots' attention from mundane flight tasks and allow them to focus on the big picture or prepare for any unexpected events during flight. However, a new study published ...

Virtual training for real combat

I zipped up the flak jacket, put on an Army helmet and snapped a pair of goggles over my eyes.

Introducing RoSS, a 'flight simulator' for robotic surgery

A collaboration between the Center for Robotic Surgery at Roswell Park Cancer Institute and the University at Buffalo's School of Engineering and Applied Sciences has produced one of the world's first simulators that closely ...

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