Cool muscles: Storing elastic energy for flight

( —Flying has always fascinated humans, probably because we are so relentlessly Earthbound. One of the things that interests researchers who study flight is the question of how animals that do it can generate the ...

Swiss pilot to undergo 3-day solar flight simulation

Swiss pilot Andre Borschberg will undergo a three-day simulated flight for a new Solar Impulse aircraft that can travel around the world powered only by solar energy, organizers said Monday.

How do honeybees control their flight speed to avoid obstacles?

Unlike humans, bees have a dorsal visual field that enables them to avoid obstacles above their heads. Until now, it was not known whether this helped them to control their flight speed. Recent research by French biorobotics ...

Experiment volunteers take 2nd 'walk on Mars'

Astronauts on a simulated flight to Mars made a second walk on a mock-up of the Red Planet's surface in Russia Friday, collecting soil samples for analysis.

Robotics insights through flies' eyes

To understand how a fly's tiny brain processes visual information efficiently enough to guide its aerobatic feats -- and ultimately to build more capable robots -- researchers in Munich, Germany, have set up a flight simulator ...

Supporting the future of Mars exploration with supercomputers

You may have flown a flight simulator in a computer game or at a science museum. Landing without crashing is always the hardest part. But that's nothing compared to the challenge that engineers are facing to develop a flight ...

ESA astronaut performs simulated polar moon landing

Side-lit by the sun, its heavily cratered surface mired in shadow, the south pole of the moon represents a highly challenging lunar landing target. Italian ESA astronaut Roberto Vittori took to an advanced flight simulator ...

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