Nanotracer tester tells about wells

A tabletop device invented at Rice University can tell how efficiently a nanoparticle would travel through a well and may provide a wealth of information for oil and gas producers.

New technology detects chemical weapons in seconds

Scientists at Queen's University Belfast are developing new sensors to detect chemical agents and illegal drugs which will help in the fight against the threat of terrorist attacks.

A nano end for Christmas tree needles

As Twelfth Night approaches and the Christmas decorations start to look increasingly congruous as the last crumbs of cake are swept away and the remnants of the turkey have finally been consumed, there is the perennial question ...

A breakthrough in nanotoxicology

Whereas resistance to antibiotics complicates certain treatments, antimicrobial silver nanoparticles (AgNP) are gaining popularity for medical use. These particles are toxic for certain bacteria, but what about for humans? ...

Plasmonics: Growth lamps for nanoparticles

Just as gardeners can use 'growth lamps' to stimulate plant growth, materials scientists can now promote uniform growth of decahedron-shaped silver nanoparticles while they are in solution. These 10-faced solids, only tens ...

New catalyst for the fight against smog

TSU chemists are creating a fundamentally new silver catalyst to purify the air, capable of decomposing toxic carbon monoxide, formaldehyde and other harmful volatile substances into harmless components. This nanostructure ...

Improving safety assessment of nanoparticles

How safe are the nanoparticles in transparent sunscreen, anti-odor socks and bacteria-resistant plasters? Although microbes are present on all organisms, the tools that estimate the safety of nanomaterials still hardly take ...

Individual silver nanoparticles observed in real time

Chemists at Ruhr-Universität Bochum have developed a new method of observing the chemical reactions of individual silver nanoparticles, which only measure a thousandth of the thickness of a human hair, in real time. The ...

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