Super-strong, stretchy silver

Try bending your iPhone in half. Or roll up your tablet like a scroll. Or wrap a touchscreen TV around a pole. Didn't work out so well, did it? That's because the ceramic material used to make many of today's touchscreens ...

Custom designing silver nanoclusters

Altering a single atom in a silver nanocluster considerably changes its properties, creating an exciting opportunity to design these clusters.

Big step toward small wires

Researchers from Fudan University in Shanghai, Japan's National Institute for Materials Science and QUT's Centre for Materials Science have published the study, "Stable single atomic silver wires assembling into a circuitry-connectable ...

Silver atom nanoclusters could become efficient biosensors

Researchers have now managed to pinpoint what happens when light is absorbed by extremely small nanoclusters of silver atoms. The results may have useful application in the development of biosensors and in imaging.

Visualizing every step of on-surface cycloaddition reactions

By observing individual atoms as they rearrange themselves step by step, chemists at RIKEN have cast new light on the route by which halogenated aromatic molecules join together on a silver surface1. These insights promise ...

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