Silkworm cat grub smells like success

Licking its lips imperiously, a ginger cat mops up every last morsel of food from its curly whiskers, clearly undaunted by its supper's rather unusual base ingredient—silkworm pupae.

Changing the silkworm's diet to spin stronger silk

Tohoku University researchers have produced cellulose nanofiber (CNF) synthesized silk naturally through a simple tweak to silkworms' diet. Mixing CNF with commercially available food and feeding the silkworms resulted in ...

Cool crystals and hot climates

A crystalline structure used by a silkworm virus to protect itself from the elements may provide similar protection for human vaccines in challenging tropical climates and remote regions.

Silkworms spin colored silks while on a 'green' dyed-leaf diet

For some 5,000 years, cultivated silkworms have been spinning luxurious white silk fibers destined for use in the finest clothing. But current dyeing practices produce wastewater that contains potentially harmful toxins, ...

Silk protein boosts e-book efficiency: scientists

Taiwanese scientists said they had discovered that a protein created by silkworms in the production of silk can be used to manufacture a component that will make e-books more efficient.

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