Blowfly protein key to terror poison antidote

A protein that costs the Australian sheep industry hundreds of millions of dollars each year may also pave the way to an antidote for chemical warfare agents.

Cell: Protein folding via charge zippers

Membrane proteins are the "molecular machines" in biological cell envelopes. They control diverse processes, such as the transport of molecules across the lipid membrane, signal transduction, and photosynthesis. Their shape, ...

Individual cells respond to electrical signal

Researchers at the Department of Molecular Nanofabrication (part of the University of Twente's MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology) have published their preliminary results in a prominent article in Angewandte Chemie. This ...

New technique enables study of 'challenging' proteins

Researchers from Hull, Bristol and Frankfurt have shown that a new technique for identifying molecular structure can be used effectively on small samples of biological proteins, particularly proteins that are targeted for ...

How a molecular traffic jam impacts cell division

Interdisciplinary research between biology and physics aims to understand the cell and how it organizes internally. The mechanisms inside the cell are very complicated. LMU biophysicist Professor Erwin Frey, who is also a ...

Unraveling plant reactions to injury

Better understanding of plant defense systems, and the potential to generate stress-tolerant plants and even new malaria drugs, may all stem from the documentation of a molecular mechanism that plays a significant role in ...

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